
The Oviposition Chronicles – A Filthy Half Dozen

An omnibus collection of the first six Oviposition Chronicles, darkly erotic tales of egg implantation. The human body is the perfect cradle for bearing life. But not just human life. Over nameless aeons, aliens have used us as host for their unknowable brood. For what safer place to lay their countless eggs than to hide them in the warm belly of a human female? Inside a fertile girl whose body is receptive, ripe for filling with the dread larvae of a slavering alien beast? An inquisitive girl who yearns to see her belly swell as new life grows within her...

June 27, 2021

The Oviposition Chronicles – Missionary

She is a lost soul, a cheerleader, an innocent virgin, unaware of her true purpose in life. But now she has been found by the Missionary. Now she will serve a higher calling – carrying the seed of its alien brood.In the deep forest, it will convert her to its purpose, coax her to accept its ovipositor tube and become just the latest recipient of the young it must breed within her fertile body. On sale now at your favourite ebook book retailer: Click here to buy The Oviposition Chronicles – Missionary   Five Star Reader reviews for The Oviposition...

June 25, 2021