March 2022

Xenofestation 1-02 – Beached

  Obscenity is the mother of invention as the challenges keep mounting up for mercenary explorer Lieutenant Ortiz. Collecting alien specimens for the Xenoplantation Programme is hard enough without a Droon scout carelessly destroying all her carefully-placed traps, and on top of that she has an unruly troop of mercenary hunters who keep getting in her head. Still, perhaps she can use one problem to solve another, in a novel and highly satisfying manner… Meanwhile, Amber Codrington arrives at the deep-space facility where she will commence her participation in the Programme. But even as her body is being prepared for...

March 12, 2022

How to use sampling on Smashwords to help sell more books

In which PV rants about ebook sampling, and shows you how to sell more books to people like me… What makes a person choose to buy a book by an author they don’t know? For some it’s the blurb. For others it’s the eye-catching cover. Many people will look at the ratings and perhaps scroll through a few reviews to find a reviewer who seems to be interested in the same things they are. For me it’s the sample. Oh, the cover and the reviews and the blurb all contribute to getting me in the door, but before I hit...

March 2, 2022