February 2023

Xenofestation 2-02 – The Fence

As a dealer in rare artefacts, Arlo Frenk is used to backroom deals done on the quiet. But events threaten to take an outrageous turn over the sale of his latest secretive and risky item. Meanwhile, gambler Tali Slater arrives on the deep-space facility to begin her latest high-stakes adventure – mating with alien creatures. And religious campaigner Patience Mance reveals a secret of her own… Twelve women. Sixty aliens. One purpose. Xenofestation 2-02 – The Fence is the eighth exciting episode of a series of darkly erotic sci-fi adventures of oviposition and alien implantation. On sale now at your...

February 17, 2023

Xenofestation 2-01 – Leap of Faith

The experimental Xenoplantation Programme always needs new volunteers. Cultists or clones, celebrities with a passion or civilians with dark secrets, the one thing they share is a willingness to mate with strange alien creatures, a role where the risks match the rewards. Those risks and rewards come thick and fast as existing participants Amber and Ornella make shocking discoveries in both medical suite and implantation chamber. Meanwhile, clonemates Julie and Claire Inoue and chastity campaigner Patience Merity Mance find themselves suddenly orphans, adrift and with decisions of their own… Twelve women. Sixty aliens. One purpose. Xenofestation 2-01 – Leap of...

February 17, 2023

Xenofestation Sequence 1 – Principia Germinis

Together for the first time in one full-length novel, the first six episodes of Xenofestation, darkly erotic sci-fi adventures of oviposition and alien implantation. Twelve women. Sixty aliens. One purpose. What is the purpose of the experimental Xenoplantation Programme? Why would a woman apply to join? What would make her travel to a remote space station, far from friends and family, there to offer herself to a bewildering variety of alien creatures, carrying their slimy, squirming offspring inside her own body? For some, it’s a chance to escape an overcrowded Earth, a society that controls reproductive rights with a draconian...

February 17, 2023

Xenofestation 1-06 – Terra Veneri

As a fixer for The Syndicate, Sara Smith is used to organising erotic gatherings for her bosses’ favoured guests. But when her latest job backfires she finds herself facing a long and difficult journey back to favour. Meanwhile, the alien implantation programme has a new participant eager to get started, and there is no peace for Amber Codrington either as she prepares for her assignation with the Venus Tuber… Twelve women. Sixty aliens. One purpose. Xenofestation 1-06 – Terra Veneri is the sixth episode of a series of darkly erotic sci-fi adventures of oviposition and alien implantation.   On sale...

February 17, 2023