
Frank – A Gothic Folly

Good work is hard to find in 19th Century Bavaria. So when Heidi Klein enters the service of a sinister scientist bent on creating life from death, she knows she has little choice but to assist him with dread experiments which may be demeaning, dangerous, perhaps even downright embarrassing. But in deciding to make the best she can of her situation, the last thing she expects is to become emotionally involved in her master’s experiments… Frank is a gothic erotic romance of lightning-torn castles and a burgeoning love between two mismatched lovers. On sale now at your favourite ebook book...

September 22, 2021

Tidy Girl

Straight-laced straight-A student Gemma Codrington likes everything to be neat and well-ordered. She is on her way to university and she takes pride in being good at everything she does. She’s even determined to be very good at sex, if she ever finds the time to have any. But a chance encounter with a mysterious couple at one of her brother’s wild parties makes Gemma realise there are some lessons that can’t be learned from a text book. Under the tutelage of the exotic Lorena and the muscular Gus (together with his “twin brother” Leo) she finds herself juggling studies...

June 27, 2021